Nature and Philosophy
An ethical approach, a love of nature and respect for our customer are the main ingredients in our cooking
"Non devi cucinare piatti eccessivi o complicati, basta un buon cibo da ingredienti freschi"
(Julia Chlid)
Dal 1986...
la nostra storia
Il 15 settembre 1986, a ridosso di una Darsena ancora giovane, nasceva Be Bop ed insieme ad esso, l’idea che più persone, siano esse onnivore, vegetariane o celiache, possano sedersi intorno allo stesso tavolo e mangiare ognuna secondo le proprie esigenze…

Il Ristorante
Food freedom certified organic raw ingredients
Omnivores, vegetarians and celiac sufferers – everyone can sit around the same table and enjoy a meal that fits their needs. We offer a menu that respects all dietary choices and restrictions, while being aware of seasonal freshness and rich in raw ingredients that are certified organic.
Pasta, meat, fish and vegetables – this menu is for those who want to explore all the specialties and flavors that our kitchen has to offer. It is a menu that makes your mouth water just looking at it!
The Pizza
Our Pizzas
There’s nothing better than eating one of our pizzas for a great evening with friends or a delicious moment after work. All our pizzas, from the classic toppings to the more original creations, are adapted to all dietary needs.
ALL PIZZAS on request can be made with:
Kamut flour
Whole-wheat flour

Do you have allergies? We will take care of you!
We maintain a nickel-free kitchen for those who suffer from a nickel allergy. For lactose and gluten intolerances… have no fear! Our chefs do everything they can to prepare tasty dishes that are adapted to all dietary restrictions.
"Ho bisogno di conoscere la storia di un alimento. Devo sapere da dove viene. Devo immaginarmi le mani che hanno coltivato, lavorato e cotto ciò che mangio."
(Carlo Petrini)